Contoh Invitation Latter

Kamis, 27 Maret 2014
Undangan Nonton JKT-48
dear aldy

     Good morning Aldy, tomorrow May 28th I will watch the concert JKT-48, in Taman Mini Indah at 14.00 noon. I have 2 tickets to go to Taman Mini Indah. And I plan to take you go together to watch the concert. Are you busy tomorrow?. If you're not busy tomorrow, I wait for you tomorrow at the entrance of Taman Mini Indah at 13:00 noon.



Balasan undangan
dear iqbal
        This will be the best day to go to the concert JKT-48 in Taman Mini Indah.Hari after day I count, I was looking forward to being able to watch the concert. And I can not wait to see the beautiful faces JKT-48 members. I’ll be ready when you arrive the May 28th at 13:00



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